The Variants

     In one of our blogs, we talked about the concept of variants. You must read Who Are You?- Do You Even Care? before reading further. 
     Continuing the discussion, we know every human being differ from other humans by only 0.1% in their DNA. This slightest difference determines who he was, who he is and who is he going to be. It determines the difference in our physical appearances, our mental thoughts and our consciousness. It gives us our separate identities.
     Before going into details, let us know about DNA and its purpose. Every living body is made up of cells. These cells of different types come together and collectively form larger structures called tissues like muscles, bones etc. Same is the case with tissues as they make organs like heart, stomach etc, and organs collectively make a complex body like a dog, a cat, a human, a cow and everything else. Now, what are cells made of? Cells are made of chemical structures of different natures that perform different functions and they determine the nature of cell and nature of its performance. One of these chemical structures is DNA which is mostly in the nucleus of our cells.
 (Image credits: Google sites)
     DNA exists in the form of chromosomes. These chromosomes have genes present over them. These genes are made up of base pairs on atomic level that through various combinations give the blueprint of forming the required physical structures of a cell. The type of cell formed determines the type of tissue and thus the organ and then the body itself.
 (Image credits: Giphy)
     The information in these genes is so vast that it stores every single characteristic of the body and that's why I used the word "determines" repeatedly. For example, your voice, your height, most of your behaviour is coded in that DNA, your feelings ability, your eye colour, your genetic diseases, your intelligence, your emotions etc. Scientists estimate a total of 20,000-25,000 genes in human and all of them represent a characteristic. However. only 1% of these genes differ among humans. So basically, you, the reader, and I, the writer, are only 1% different from eachother.
    I call these "VARIANTS". Your variants. My variants. The hundreds of billions that existed before us, the population of existing 8 billions and those to come into the world in near future will differentiate from eachother in their characteristics by only 1% of their genes. I believe the Wright brothers who invented the first airplane, Einstein who introduced the theory of relativity, Stephen Hawking who introduced Hawking Radiations, Alexender The Great who was about to conquer the whole earth, Neil Armstrong who was the first to step on the moon, Oppenheimer who is known as the father of atomic Bomb, Hitler who killed 17 Million of our other variants, Alexender flemming who introduced the wonder drug, Pasteur who introduced vaccination..... and so on, all these famous along with others, all those people of whom we have never heard, all those who lived their lives and those who died before they were even born, all those who saved and all those who killed other humans, all those who are smiling and all those who are crying are YOU in their physical forms differentiating only 1% in their characteristics. Why dont we know about them? Why dont we feel them? This is because of our conciousness. The only thing that differentiates us from other creatures is our conciousness. I call this conciousness as an "IDENTITY". 
 (Image credits: Giphy)

     Conciousness is what gives us a chance to utilise those characteristics in different ways. Every human through his own way, his own imagination, his own capability level and thinking level get to do what can be done. The difference in such doings runs the world. This differences have assigned everyone their tasks to mantain the flow of life. Imagine everyone had the same level, why would anyone choose to be a plumber and the other a billionair, why would a person want to kill and the other one want to die? Why woul someone want to elect for president and the other to vote? Why would someone invent different dishes when everyone would eat the same dishes from a single choice? Why would someone work as a servent for someone with equal power and capabilities? That's the reason the world is working the way it is. Everyone is perforing their duty. But everyone has the ability to learn and utilise the characteristics the way he wants. He can learn, he can improve, he can adopt to changes, he can stuggle and achieve his needs and wants. Some sacrifices need to be made. Some compensations and hardwork can help you achieve what you think needs to be achieved. The main achievement is to be happy with what you do and what you are struggling for. The main target should be achieving peace from within yourself. Envying others and getting jealous of what others do or what they have are the slayers of peace and calm of mind. Take a breath and be thankful for what tou have and what you don't have.

     Feeling interested in DNA? Do you want to know what DNA is and what does it do? What is the purpose of DNA? How does the slightest changes in DNA make you unique? Read 24 Amazing Facts About DNA.
OR you can read about success and the requirements of success at SRR- Success Requires Replacements.

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